Challenges faced by international LGBTIQ+ students

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Geplaatst door:
Datum: 24 maart 2021
Tijd: 12:00-13:00
Type: Debat


Dit is een online event


Workplace Pride Webinar: Challenges faced by international LGBTIQ+ students

Dear Workplace Pride Members and Stakeholders,     

We are pleased to invite you to our third webinar of 2021. 

Our latest “Keeping Members Connected” webinar will be held on Wednesday March 24thfrom 12:00-13:00 CET. The primary topic will be "Challenges faced by international LGBTIQ+ students."

The topic of academia and the inherent challenges for LGBTIQ+ persons studying or working within its many layers, is an area sorely in need of attention and discussion. After the inaugural webinar on the 24th of August 2020, and “Queering the Curriculum” on the 23rd of November 2020, Academia@WorkplacePride wants to make further progress and drill deeper into relevant topics.

"Challenges faced by international LGBTIQ+ students"

In this webinar, we will focus on what expectations international LGBTIQ+ students have when they come to study in the Netherlands. Is there enough social safety to be yourself, and what do universities and colleges do to create a solid safety net? What challenges and obstacles do students face, and if and how it affects internships. The role of companies in organising safe internships will also be discussed.

Various speakers from Twente University and Saxion University of Applied Sciences will discuss how they can be more inclusive on the basis of the following questions:

What expectations did you have when you came to study in the Netherlands?Was there any focus on social safety? What arrangements were in place?Were there any problems finding an internship, were you sufficiently supported to make good use of it?What role can companies play in creating safe internships for students?

As always with our webinars there will be an interactive Q&A section from the viewers which always deepens the discussion.

This webinar is for Workplace Pride members as well as the general public. Registration is required (for security) for this free event. We hope you can all attend!

Event details:

Event: Challenges faced by international LGBTIQ+ students

Date/Time: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 - 12:00 - 13:00 (CET)

Audience: Workplace Pride Members, stakeholders, and friends

The webinar starts promptly at 12:00 CET!

Moderator:  Luigi Antonio Etienne Richards, Online Marketer for ITC (Faculty of

Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation) University of Twente.

Guest Speakers: 

Anka Mulder - President of the Saxion University of Applied Sciences: “The ambition to become the most LGBTIQ+ inclusive educational region."Sterre Mkatini - D&I officer, University of Twente: “LGBTIQ+ rights in the Netherlands” Students from the University of Twente & Saxion: Krasimir Dimitrov (Bulgaria), Devin Paul (Germany), Errolaine Jones (St. Maarten), Tessa Losse (The Netherlands/ Exaltio); Daniel Lentink - student active in Th!nk with Pride.




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