Sex Tech Workshop

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Geplaatst door:
Datum: 24 april 2021
Tijd: 16:00-18:00
Type: Workshop


Dit is een online event


In this experimental "Hack-a-long" led by Touchy-Feely Tech and Kinky Makers, you will get hands-on with soldering and electronics, learning how to take apart an existing vibrator with the aim of turning it into the device of your dreams! Specifically organised for beginners, we will guide you through the whole process from start to finish. After a brief history of "Stimulation Devices" through the ages, we will learn how to “tear down” our chosen electronics to see what makes them unique on the inside. We will then design and prototype the look and feel of our dream devices using a kit of pre-ordered and re-purposed parts. You can bring a cheap vibrator to tear down, and purchase all of the necessary tools and parts separately from a list we will provide. What you make is up to you and the limits of your imagination! This workshop is open to everyone. If you are also interested in joining the Hackathon, this could be the perfect opportunity to boost your making skills ahead of the event. Note! For this workshop, you will need to purchase a kit of tools and materials amounting to 20-30 euros. We are still working out the logistics, so if you are interested to join please register your interest and we will be in touch about how you can access the required tools and materials based on your location. WHERE: Online WHEN: 24 April 16:00 - 18:00 CEST PRICE: Regular: €20,- / Student discount: €10,- TICKETLINK: SITE: The Sex Tech Workshop is organised by Touchy-Feely Tech and Kinky Makers.

From April 22nd until 2nd of May Creative Coding Utrecht (CCU) opens up the online festival Rainbows End. This multi-sensory art manifestation is exploring the boundaries of reality, intimacy and play, with a diverse range of activities. Thanks to talk shows, screenings, performances, workshops, and an online art exhibition, you will be immersed in new realities. During this 11-day programme, we will be hacking sex toys, discussing the importance of safe digital spaces, and the impact of complex politics and histories of technology, as well as many other topics. It promises to cultivate mind-expanding conversations with new people. Let’s get intimate! Rainbows End is made possible by Gemeente Utrecht, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Mondriaan Fonds, VSBFonds, Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds, Stichting Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds, and Pictoright Fonds.



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