The Perilous Journeys of LGBTIQ+ migrants
#IDAHOBIT 2021 is upon us! The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, observed annually on May 17th, aims to coordinate international events that raise awareness of #LGBT rights violations and stimulate interest in LGBT rights work worldwide. Given this, The Hague’s Interagency Diversity & Inclusion Network organizes themed events every year to mark the occasion, and this year is no exception!
This year, Secret Garden Foundation’s representative Elie Karam will be sharing both his personal experience leaving his homeland for the Netherlands as well as the realities of the LGBTIQ+ migrants’ challenges seeking a better life for themselves.
We hope that together we can raise awareness of the often perilous journey to another country, but also that perils don’t stop for these migrants once they’ve reached their destination.
You can join us – virtually – on the 14th of May at 12:30-13:30 (NL time) by registering via Facebook
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