Defending LGBTI rights in the EU

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Geplaatst door:
Datum: 17 mei 2021
Tijd: 13:00-14:30
Type: Debat


Dit is een online event


Defending LGBTI rights in the EU: linking Rule of Law with Fundamental Rights

You are cordially invited to our virtual roundtable for the occasion of #IDAHOBIT 2021.

The event counts on the presence of MEPs, the Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, and experts from NGOs.

When: Monday, 17 May 2021 - 13:00-14:30 CET

Where: Online – streamed live onto the Facebook event

Organiser: LGBTI Intergroup Secretariat

Questions for Q&A: (Please submit your questions to any of the speakers until 16 March at 00:00).


- Terry Reintke MEP, Intergroup Co-Chair (G-EFA)

Moderation: Malin Björk MEP, Intergroup Vice-President (The Left)

PANEL 1 - National breaches of the rule of law and their impact on LGBTI persons's lives

- Kaspars Zalitis, MOZAIKA (Latvia)

- Mirka Makuchowska, KPH - Campaign Against Homophobia (Poland)

- Tamás Dombos, Háttér Society (Hungary)

PANEL 2 - Reactions from MEPs on EP positions on the matter

- Juan Fernando López Aguilar MEP (S&D), Intergroup Member, Chair of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Committee, rapporteur on the article 7 on Poland

- Michal Simecka MEP (Renew Europe), Intergroup Member, rapporteur on the EU mechanism on Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights and shadow rapporteur on the Commission's Rule of Law report


- Helena Dalli, Commissioner for Equality


- Liesje Schreinemacher MEP, Intergroup Vice-President (Renew Europe)

- Marc Angel MEP, Intergroup Co-Chair (S&D) 


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