Pride Photo Outdoor Exhibition 2021

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 22 mei 2021
Tijd: 09:00-23:00
Type: Overige


Naam: Akerhof
Straat: Akerhof
Postcode: 9712 BC
Plaats: Groningen
Provincie: Groningen
Land: Nederland


We are excited to invite you to the interactive Pride Photo 2021 outdoor exhibition, at Akerkhof, in Groningen, to see our latest exhibition - from Queer Farmers in Europe, African Drag, and the life of Elderly LGBTQ+ people, to Queer Life in Guatemala, situations faced by the LGBTQ+ community in Russia, and Gender Fluidity!

The images on display feature the winners of our 2020 photography contest alongside a selection of further photos that have been specially selected by our curator Micha Bruinvels. The photos offer a glimpse into lives and worlds that are familiar to some people, and may be surprising, new, or even a little uncomfortable for others.

We want to encourage visitors to think about sexual and gender diversity in a low-threshold and respectful manner, ultimately, we hope to start a dialogue about prejudice, and the often plighted human rights situation the LGBTQ+ community faces worldwide.

The Pride Photos 2020 contest - Curiosity: The Compass to our Passions - focused on curiosity, looking without judgement, and the urge to understand other people better. We believe this is a mindset deeply needed in a world of constant change, and in a climate in which polarisation seems more common than building bridges. We asked artists to share images that trigger curiosity about the LGBTQ+ community, pictures that make you want to know more about what you see. And if you want more, you can scan the QR codes onthe panels to read more, and listen to stories and info about the themes tackled in the images.


Kennedi Carter (US)

Sumi Anjuman (Bangladesh)

Martin Wannam (Guatamala)

DeLovie Kwagala (Uganda)

Further images have been selected from Oded Wagenstein (Israel), Lana Yanovska (Austria), Şener Yılmaz Aslan (Turkey), B. Proud (US), Ksenia Kuleshova (Germany), Jörg Meier (Germany), and Lee-Ann Olwage (South Africa).

Visitor Information

The open air exhibition is free to visit from May 22-June 10.

The exhibition consists of 20 panels, each with a short description and QR code you can scan with your phone camera. This takes you to our website, where you can read more about the image(s). Some panels have a headset icon, this means there are bonus audio-clips available online about the images!

The exhibition travels throughout the Netherlands until November. See below for further dates and locations.

IMPORTANT: Please remember to respect current Covid-19 regulations, and keep a 1.5 meter distance from others at all times.

About the Pride Photo Foundation

We are a Dutch organisation that aims to promote knowledge and acceptance of sexual and gender diversity through photography. Our annual international photo contest enables us to select a wide range of images that illustrate the diverse LGBTQ+ community, anywhere in the world.


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