Stronger Together: Re-defining Global LGBTIQ+ Workplace Standards
We are pleased to announce that registration for the Workplace Pride 2022 International Conference is open.
After more than two turbulent years of the pandemic, most people, including LGBT+ people, have had to re-assess what is really important in their lives; both personally and from a work perspective. This year’s conference theme “STRONGER TOGETHER: Redefining global LGBTIQ+ Workplace Standards” acknowledges that struggle and looks to the future that our community, and the organisations they work, for will determine together.
This annually reoccurring event attracts over 300 of our members and stakeholders who come to connect, be inspired and share in the journey to improve the lives of LGBT+ people at workplaces all over the world.
For more details about the conference please click HERE.
Don’t miss this opportunity to re-connect, re-focus, and re-define the global workplace for LGBTIQ+ people!
Registration for the conference closes on June 17th.
For more information on the International Workplace Pride Conference, please write to
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