Leiden Shorts

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 9 juni 2022
Tijd: 19:00-23:30
Type: Film
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/686129315798882


Naam: Kijkhuis
Straat: Vrouwenkerksteeg 10
Postcode: 2312 WS
Plaats: Leiden
Provincie: Zuid-Holland
Land: Nederland


An international short film festival that seeks a deeper understanding of contemporary global issues through audiovisual media, lectures, workshops, and more.

After reviewing more than 1100 films that were submitted, from more than 80 countries, our programmers have curated a program for everyone and every taste with 16 sessions for the main programme with a total of 94 movies from more than 50 countries. For our poster, we have collaborated with the talented illustrator María Medem.

Leiden Shorts is not only short film screenings, side by side with some of our sessions, we are organising workshops, panel discussions, in-depth programmes and parties. We like to be an active part of life in the city of Leiden and to function as a bridge between topics and communities.

For our 2022 edition, we have collaborated with Leiden City of Science 2022 to create 3 film sessions with a scientific topic as their common denominator, as well as in-depth programmes, workshops and a panel discussion.

We are working with our programme partners De Animatiebus and the Institute for Sound and Vision to offer activities for every taste and age.


We are looking forward to seeing you at the festival!

14th edition: 9–12 June 2022



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