Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 9 juni 2022
Tijd: 18:00-17:30
Type: Workshop
Website: https://come-alive.nl/production/what-about-scissoring-2/


Naam: Het Nieuwe Muntgebouw
Straat: Muntkade 20
Postcode: 3531 AK
Plaats: Utrecht
Provincie: Utrecht
Land: Nederland


The artist and sexuality expert Esther Arribas welcomes us inside their installation “Dear Rubsters, Tribbers and All Those Who Want to Sign Up” to engage in one-on-one hand scissoring workshops. Together you will look at the word scissoring (referring to the sexual practice of genital rubbing associated with lesbians) from a critical, joyful, and ultimately, juicy point of view. What can we learn from this practice regardless of our identity and sexual orientation? Expect a brief history of rubbing practices and a relaxed, intimate chat where sharing experiences is welcome. The fun and reparative twist comes from learning together, by doing, the somatic possibilities of a well-lubricated handscissoring practice.



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