Studio/Queer in Wonderland: Pride Party

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 6 augustus 2022
Tijd: 23:00-03:00
Type: Cafe & Party


Naam: Studio/K
Straat: Timorplein 62
Postcode: 1094 CC
Plaats: Amsterdam
Provincie: Noord-Holland
Land: Nederland


On Saturday 6 August (23:00 - 03:00), Studio/K teams up with Queer in Wonderland to host a vibrant Pride Party, filled to the brim with frisky visuals, hair extravaganza, and queer togetherness. Luscious grooves will be delivered by DJs SHY SHANGHAI, Chalice, Citrux and Twiena.

Colombia-based hairstyle artist Rasureitor will also be present to mix some geometric funkiness into your hairstyles, aligning modern geometry with tradition, and hair with identity. Pay what you can!

Entrance is free and full = full, so make sure to come on time. We cannot wait to dance the night away with you!

At Studio/K we strongly reject any form of intimidation, discrimination, or harassment. If you witness or experience any of this, please inform our staff at the bar.

This program is part of Studio/K’s special Pride Programming from 31 July until 6 August. Other events include our Queer Shorts Film program and the After Pride Oost borrel. If this leaves you longing for more, do make sure to check out our Communities of Pride special film programming, lasting all of July and August. More information and tickets for all events can be found on 



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