4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 22 augustus 2022
Tijd: 21:30-23:00
Type: Film
Website: https://roffamonamour.com/screenings/4-months-3-weeks-and-2-days/


Naam: Brutus
Straat: Keileweg 10-14
Postcode: 3029 BS
Plaats: Rotterdam
Provincie: Zuid-Holland
Land: Nederland


Birth control pills are dealt illegally in and around the building where two young women reside. Hidden in small bags, stored underneath mattresses, secretly passed on from hand to hand. On the other side of Europe birth control pills are mundane goods, but in communinst Romania in the 80s they are forbidden. So when young Gabita finds out she is pregnant she, together with her best friend Otilia, arranges an illegal abortion in a hotel with Bebe, the sketchy doctorpretended abortionist.

The sober architecture and dark surroundings already make you shiver, but as the film continues in the hotel room you really feel as if you are entering hell. In this social realist drama you become the fear, anger and injustice Gabita and Otilia are facing. The outstanding and fierce acting performance of Anamaria Marinca and Laura Vasiliu pull you into the brutality of the script. You know you’re watching a film, but this is real. It’s fictiona film, but it’s frightfully contemporary. 

Cristian Mungiu won the Palme d’Or in Cannes 2007 with this masterpiece. When 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days was released in theaters we were deeply shocked and could only wish what we just witnessed would belong to the past, but worldwide illegal abortion still takes place. With abortion legislation yet again enforced in the US this film hasn’t lost its urgency. This is what illegal abortion can look like and we want the world to know.

A spoken word artist Sarafina will be performing before the screening of 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days. Their creations, focusing on the feeling of otherness, will be sure to touch your heart alongside this brutally honest film.

About Roffa Mon Amour

Welcome to your most magical open air film festival in summer in Rotterdam. For 12 days in August, the festival celebrates cinematic talent from around the world, presenting films at night at a playful location. Roffa Mon Amour thrills and moves you with a selection of colorful, daring films from new and known filmmakers, live Cinema Concerts, introductions, and Q&As. At a very special festival location, you travel from Tunis to Hong Kong to back again from New York to Rotterdam.

Next to the annual film festival, Roffa Mon Amour presents various other film events and collaborations throughout the year, as we open an inspiring and unpredictable world of cinema to a curious audience. Discover films that shock or hurt, that make you fall in love, or transport you to another world, all from well-selected locations in our beloved Rotterdam.



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