Bar Buka: Sharkey's Vintage Pop Up

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 5 september 2022
Tijd: 18:00-22:00
Type: Overige


Naam: Bar Buka
Straat: Albert Cuypstraat 124
Postcode: 1072 EA
Plaats: Amsterdam
Provincie: Noord-Holland
Land: Nederland


Sharkey’s Vintage Goods is taking action to reshape the fashion industry by placing a major focus on the re-use of Vintage Surf Wear.

On Monday September 5, Sharkey’s Vintage Goods is organizing a Vintage Pop Up Sale in collaboration with Bar Buka. Between 18:00 and 22:00 the most beautiful items from the classic surf brands such as Billabong, Quiksilver and Rip Curl will be available.

Hi! My name is Michelle and I have been running Sharkey’s Vintage Goods with great enthusiasm since June 1st.

Because of my passion for the environment, my love for the ocean and the dream to start something for myself, I took a leap into the unknown at the beginning of this year and started working on Sharkey’s Vintage Goods with great ambition. This dream became reality on June 1st. I wanted to do something for the environment and slow down the run on fast fashion as much as I can. I hope I can show people that an environmentally conscious choice can also be very cool.

Every little bit helps!



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