Sufi Dance with Kami Sid

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 23 november 2022
Tijd: 19:30
Type: Workshop


Naam: Meevaart Balistraat 48A Amsterdam Oost.
Straat: Meevaart Balistraat 48A Amsterdam Oost.
Plaats: Meevaart Balistraat 48A Amsterdam Oost.
Provincie: Groningen
Land: Nederland


Sufi dance workshop 2-hour for trans and non-binary people at Trans Amsterdam Trans Art School 23 November 2022.

In this workshop, Kami like to teach and share experiences about the SUFI Performance and how Trans/Queer people were always part of Sufi Performances in Sub Continent.

About Kami:
Kami Sid, Human right activist and artist from Pakistan, working in development sector since 2012 and also she became Pakistan and Muslim world first transgender fashion model in 2016. In 2017 she was at the opening of the TransPride in Amsterdam.

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Sufi syncretic culture today in South Asia is overstated. While tolerance may have been an inherent trait, the Sufi institution has evolved in a manner that it may not be able to deliver on this count.

In this workshop, Kami shares the experience of south Asian Sufism and how trans/queer people from South Asia are connected to this type of performance and spirituality. At the end of the workshop, Participants will learn a few moves.

If you like to join, send a mail to

⏰23 November 19:30 - 21:45
?Meevaart Balistraat 48A Amsterdam Oost.



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