Queer Kinky Women Munch
This may 28th we got our monthly munch/meetup where we mingle and talk kink. There's also a workshop starting 2:30pm to get you ready for your first play party.
The workshop occurs just before; at the same location as the KWIK munch. Stay after the workshop and join us for the socialize time at the munch!
Do you want to meet other kinky womxn who are into kinky womxn? Then this munch is for you! We dominate the bar every last Sunday starting 4pm.
Expect everyone in normal day clothes. We care that we treat each other with mutual kindness and respect. Everybody is different, so no kink shaming, transphobia, racism, sexism etc. A no-brainer. There's no sign-up or entree fee for the munches.
KWIK welcomes those who identify as womxn and non binary folks who still feel connected to the womxn scene. This does not include crossdressers, sissy men etc.
Bar Buka is easily reached with public transport taking the metro 52 Noord/Zuidlijn will get you to the bar in a few minutes. If you come by car, you will also have to pay for parking near Buka in Sundays. For the munch no signup is required to join. The workshop has a low entree to compensate the speaker. This is collected through online ticket sales. We educate, play and grow together.
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