Kiki – Queer Cinema X Unwanted Words
This Coming Out Day, we invite you to immerse yourself in the world of queer cinema and witness the power of spoken word. Whether you identify as LGBTQI+ or an ally, this event is an opportunity for reflection and awareness, highlighting the experiences and challenges faced by individuals as they come out and embrace their true selves.
This edition will be hosted by Unwanted Words. Together we’ll watch the documentary Kiki and please join us for our Open Mic afterwards.
Kiki is is an American-Swedish co-produced documentary film, released in 2016 and set in New York. The documentary follows seven characters from the Kiki community over the course of four years, using their preparations and spectacular performances at events known as Kiki balls as a framing device while delving into their battles with homelessness, illness and prejudice as well as their gains towards political influence and the conquering of affirming gender-expressions. In Kiki we meet Twiggy Pucci Garçon, the founder and gatekeeper for the Haus of Pucci, Chi Chi, Gia, Chris, Divo, Symba and Zariya. Each of these remarkable young people represents a unique and powerful personal story, illuminating the Kiki scene in particular, as well as queer life in the U.S. for LGBTQ youth-of-color as a whole.
Unwanted Words
Unwanted Words is an award-winning platform for up & coming queer voices in poetry & spoken word in the Netherlands. We aim to create safe(r) spaces for LGBTQ+ talent to thrive and connect with their communities. Through our Queer Poetry Nights open mic series, our LGBTQ+ poetry workshops, our Queer & Feminist Poetry Awards & Anthology, we seek to offer opportunities to promote and amplify queer voices from an intersectional approach.
Open Mic
During our open mic the stage is given to all amazing queer poets and spoken word artists to share their work with our community. Whether you’re a professional, amateur or curious artist, come and let us hear your creations. Come prepared and take the stage after the movie screening! Register here for the open mic.
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