ADE Concert 2023 – special edition Gay Guerrilla
Immerse yourself into a thrilling ritual of light and dark, music and movement in one of the most beautiful churches in Amsterdam city centre.
Together with artists Boris Acket and Christian Guerematchi, 24classics presents an interdisciplinary re-interpretation of the iconic and monumental piece Gay Guerrilla by Julius Eatsman. A music performance by pianists Helena Basilova & Vivianne Cheng and a live Shibari ritual by Christian Guerematchi and Papilicious amidst a powerful audiovisual installation.
Gay Guerrilla by Julius Eastman is a time capsule capturing the struggles and aspirations for equal rights from past generations that still echoes into our times. The installation & performance expose Eastmans innermost desire for LGBTQ rights suggested in the title and manifests a shameless ritual of desire, surrender and commitment to a single cause - having the right to be yourself’.
- Christian Guerematchi
'The reason I use Gay Guerrilla, G-U-E-R-R-I-L-L-A, is because these names, either I glorify them or they glorify me. And in the case of 'guerrilla,' that glorifies 'gay.' ... A guerrilla is someone who in any case is sacrificing his life for a point of view. And you know if there is a cause, and if it is a great cause, those who belong to that cause will sacrifice their blood because without blood there is no cause. So therefore that is the reason that I use 'gay guerrilla,' in hopes that I might be one if called upon to be one.'- Julius Eastman
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