Eulevoto 2024 Amsterdam (European Lesbian Volleyball Tournament)
33st edition of Eulovoto (European Lesbian Volleyball Tournament) is taking place on the Easter weekend 2024 in Amsterdam (30 and 31 March)!
This long tradition tournament brings lesbian, bi, queer and trans women from all parts of Europe together to give them them opportunity to feel safe and part of the community while playing the sport they love. After two days of playing, we close the tournament with a closing party that you don't want to miss!
It all began in 1989 when a group of lesbian berlin volley-ball players came up with a crazy challenge : organizing a lesbian European volleyball tournament, which was called Eulevoto (EUropean LEsbian VOlleyball TOurnament).
Thirty+ years later, the Eulevoto is still up and running ! Compared to the traditional international gay and lesbian events, the tournament is unique in itself as it is organized each year in a different city by a group of volunteers from that same city. The tournament is played through two days, offering different game levels, which allows everyone to participate. Whether you are a confirmed player or a hard-at-work beginner, you can take part in one of the major sports events of the year.
Year after year, and to name a few, Amsterdam, Brussels, London, Copenhagen, Paris or Barcelona have already welcomed and hosted Eulevoto.
Each year the tournament gathers more and more participants. To this day, more than 17 countries have been represented: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, the United Kingdom, Island, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland.
Don't miss out on this opportunity and register now at!
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