Just Peace Movie Night – Behind the Numbers

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 26 juni 2024
Tijd: 18:00 – 21:00
Type: Film
Website: https://www.humanityhub.net/calendar/just-peace-movie-night-behind-the-numbers/


Naam: Humanity Hub
Straat: Fluwelen Burgwal 58
Postcode: 2511 CJ
Plaats: Den Haag
Provincie: Zuid-Holland
Land: Nederland


In honour of International Pride Day, Just Peace in collaboration with Human Rights in the Picture and Hivos will be hosting a Just Peace Movie Night! We will be screening the documentary, “Behind the Numbers.”

This film, created by Human Rights in the Picture made with director Andy Funnell for Hivos, follows an intersex person from Zimbabwe, Ronie, a lesbian couple from Bangkok, Anticha and Build, and a trans person from the Netherlands, Laura. All experience daily obstacles and challenges in the heteronormative society in which they live.



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