Queer Book Club met Alejandra Ortiz

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 16 september 2024
Tijd: 18.30-20.00
Type: Overige
Website: https://www.bibliotheekdenhaag.nl/activiteiten/activiteiten/centrale-bibliotheek/queer-book-club2.html


Naam: Central Library
Straat: Spui 68
Postcode: 2511 BT
Plaats: The Hague
Provincie: Zuid-Holland
Land: Nederland


*Queer Book Club: Alejandra Ortiz: De waarheid zal me bevrijden. Talk with the author*

Are you looking for a queer space in which you can be yourself and share experiences and stories with others? Are you looking for a place where you can discuss queer literature? Then the queer book club is the place for you.

In this session we will welcome a very special guest: Alejandra Ortiz, author of De waarheid zal me bevrijden. Ortiz grew up as a queer kid in Mexico. After a difficult youth in poverty, she made her way to the United States where she came into her own as a trans woman, but also had to suffer racism, queerphobia and transphobia. In 2015, Ortiz came to The Netherlands where she sought refugee status. Since then she has been stuck in asylum limbo as the Dutch government refuses to recognize the life-threatening circumstances in which Mexican trans women have to live. 

In 2022, Ortiz published her book De waarheid zal me bevrijden to draw attention to her precarious situation. For this queer book club session, Alejandra Ortiz will come talk about her experiences as a trans woman with the Dutch migration services and the effects that publishing her book has had. 

NB De waarheid zal me bevrijden is only available in Dutch, however de conversation with the author will be held in English. 

This Book club will be hosted by Looi van Kessel, assistant professor in literary studies and gender studies at Leiden University, who specializes in LGBTQIA+ literature. The sessions will be held in English. 

Do you want to be a part of the Queer Book Club? Register for free: 




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