Dansfeest irisLOVESiris - part 10 - Den Bosch

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door: Lies
Datum: 2 februari 2025
Tijd: 15.00 - 19.00 uur -> gereserveerde tickets uiterlijk 15.30 uur ophalen bij de ingang
Type: Cafe & Party
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/1264568321544451


Naam: Bossche Kelders
Straat: Visstraat 42-A (vlakbij Centraal Station Den Bosch)
Postcode: 5211 DN
Plaats: Den Bosch
Provincie: Noord-Brabant
Land: Nederland


This 10th edition we welcome you in the cosy city Den Bosch again! 

Reservations by mail only and to pick up at the event before 15.30: irisLOVESirisLOVESiris@gmail.com 

Send first and last name in reservation, when arriving after 15.30 on Sunday 02-02-2025 reservations will be expired (expired reservations will be sold at the door as long tickets are available).


15.00 - 19.00 @ Bossche Kelders, Visstraat 42-A, entrance 10 euro cash only.
When you enter this party you agree with that pictures or videos are made for future promotion.

- 19.00 Dinner in a restaurant nearby (mention this in your mail). 

Join the group: www.facebook.com/groups/irisLOVESiris  
Follow the fan page: www.facebook.com/irisLOVESiris 

Share insta: www.instagram.com/irisLOVESiris



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