Bi + Visibility Day 2020
Bi Visibility Day is a call to recognise and celebrate Bi+ history, Bi+ community and culture, and all the Bi+ people in their lives.
People individually and collectively celebrate and mark the date in all sorts of ways: in recent years there have been meetups, brunches, dinners, Bi Pride marches, flag-flying, talks, discussions, debates, film screenings, parties, and more. Because of COVID-19 there are likely to be fewer of those things and more online events this time.
How will you mark Bi Visibility Day in 2020?
First observed in 1999, Bi Visibility Day is the brainchild of three United States bisexual rights activists: Wendy Curry of Maine, Michael Page of Florida, and Gigi Raven Wilbur of Texas. Bi Visibility Day is also known by other names such as Bi Pride Day, International Celebrate Bisexuality Day. The festive celebrations now often take place in Bisexual Awareness Week and Bi Visibility Month.
More history on the Wikipedia page:
You might want to look for the hashtags #BiVisibilityDay #BiWeek #BiVisibilityMonth
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