Queers, Femmes & Friends: Queer-Friendly Comedy Night in Rotterdam
Join us for a night of hysterical laughter where LGBTIQAA++ comics and allies from all over the country will be taking over our stage to entertain you with hilarious punchlines!
Where? You can find us at the basement of MAVIS (Westzeedijk 68a, 3016 AG Rotterdam).
Wednesday January 22nd!!
Doors open: 19.30.
We will be starting at 20.00 sharp!
All of the performances are in ENGLISH
With the purchase of an online ticket you can enjoy a cocktail from the bar for a discounted price!
Hope to see you there!!
Feel free to follow us on Instagram: @laughplugcomedy and Facebook: LaughPlug Comedy, to stay updated with all the latest for this event and other shows all over Rotterdam!
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