Kinky Women Munch Amsterdam

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 26 januari 2025
Tijd: 16:00-20:00
Type: Overige


Naam: Bar Buka
Straat: Albert Cuypstraat 124
Postcode: 1072 EA
Plaats: Amsterdam
Provincie: Noord-Holland
Land: Nederland


On behalf of @kwik_women: Explore, connect, and share in a safe and welcoming space at our monthly Kink Meet-Ups. This is your chance to meet like-minded persons, exchange ideas, and build a supportive community.

KWIK welcomes those who identify as womxn: trans women, cis women and also intersex and non binary folks who still feel connected to the womn scene. This does not include crossdressers, sissy men etc.

We don’t care if you’ve been doing BD$M for 20+ years or if you’ve only recently discovered your k!nky persuasions.

KWIK munch is an easy-going place to meet other k!nky womxn, get to know each other, exchange experiences and plan for more of the good stuff together.

We do care that we treat each other with mutual kindness and respect. Everybody is different, so no shaming, racism, sexism, transphobia etc. A no-brainer.


Bar Buka is easily reached with public transport. Taking the metro 52 Noord/Zuidlijn will get you to the bar in a few minutes. If you come by car, you will also have to pay for parking near Buka.

What if I’m new?

You can send a DM via Instagram @Kwik_Women (English/Dutch) that you are new to this and we will generously welcome you and get you on your munching way



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