Savannah's Feminist Book Club
The third series of Savannah Bay’s Feminist Book Club returns to fiction, with a contrasting focus on dystopias and utopias and personal autonomy.
From February to June, Savannah’s Feminist Book Club will read and discuss five dystopian and utopian visions, each focused on the power of personal choice and collective religious narrative. This series’ lineup includes three people of color and one queer author. The bookclub is not a four-month-long commitment, feel free to join any month you like. There will be snacks and drinks available. The event is free if you buy the book at our shop; otherwise, we ask a contribution of €6.
In the most wholesome selection of this series, Becky Chambers’ Psalm for the Wild-Built (2021) chooses to imagine an anticapitalist future where humans willingly freed sentient machines from servitude. Contrasting most transhumanist narratives, robot sentience is interpreted as a miracle, and humans and robots divorced amicably to different civilizations — both more rooted in natural beauty. After generations without contact, a curious lone robot decides to initiate contact again, asking the root question: what do humans need now, in this future? Semi-unfortunately, it meets Dex, a nonbinary person who is grappling with this exact question in relation to themself.
Please join us for an expansive conversation and treats on Thursday, March 13.
Price of the book is €26,95. If you want to order the book from us, please make sure to do so on time.
Sign up for the next edition of our monthly feminist book club!
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