Quente Caliente Carnival

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door: Lies
Datum: 1 maart 2025
Tijd: 22.00 - 04.00 uur
Type: Cafe & Party
Website: https://the-alphabet-community.com


Naam: The Alphabet Community @ The Dance Factory
Straat: Heuvelring 94
Postcode: 5038 CL
Plaats: Tilburg
Provincie: Noord-Brabant
Land: Nederland


Quente Caliente Carnival

The Alphabet Community proudly announces the Quente Caliente Carnival!


On Saturday, 1 March 2025 we’ll take over The Dance Factory, Heuvelring 94 in Tilburg with this special Queer Caribbean Brazilian Carnival!


Everyone is welcome to join us and have an amazing experience at the Queer Caribbean Brazilian Carnival…


Let’s all come together and celebrate!


✨ Why you have to be there:

* It’s the Hot-Hot-Hottest Queer Caribbean Brazilian Carnival

* Celebrate Carnival with music from Brazil and the Caribbean

* Queers Who Love To Party

* Meet an affirming Queer community

* Experience a Queer Carnival night to never forget

* While partying you support us in continuing our purpose of Connecting Queers


?️Book tickets for this special Queer Carnival edition:

Discount is offered to members of The Alphabet Community with a Bronze-level membership or higher and group tickets available.

For guests on a tighter budget, we welcome you to reach out via WhatsApp on our website.


?️ More details about The Alphabet Community: www.the-alphabet-community.com


Let’s come together to celebrate the carnival, the community, and the beauty of queer connection!


While you’re at it, don’t forget to join our newest WhatsApp community, The Alphabet Community - Netherlands. It’s a hub for connecting with fellow queers, sharing experiences, and staying updated on all our upcoming events.


Follow our WhatsApp channel to be updated about future events!


Let’s come together to celebrate the carnival, the community, and the beauty of queer connection!



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